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Entrepreneurs / Courses / Email Copywriting
Train yourself to join the top 1% of email copywriters in the next 7 weeks — guaranteed
Rapidly hard-wire how to write emails for six, seven, and eight figure email lists — through the "handwriting exercise".
Enroll now

Over my career I've been lucky to peek "behind the curtain" at a number of very successful online businesses and see how they operate.

I'm talking about everything from:
  • Solopreneur businesses pulling in 7 figures
  • To huge companies (digital course as well as retail businesses) generating $100mm+/year
And while they all have their own unique ways of operating, there's one thing literally all of them have in common:Almost all their profits come from email.Sure, they have some stuff for sale on the front-end — but that's just a tiny fraction of their profit.And many also use paid ads, social media, free content on blogs and YouTube and other places — but that's where they get people to know/like/trust them, and not where they actually sell stuff.Really EVERYTHING they do is designed for one thing:Get people on their email lists.
It's only once customers land on their email lists that they really start to sell.
And that's where the vast majority of their profits come from.In fact, nearly every well-oiled 7, 8, 9 figure business I've seen "behind the curtain" made almost all their money from daily emails.Meaning 5 days a week — sometimes multiple times a day.You might think that'd burn out people on that list...But it's just the opposite.When you do it right, you will sell more of your products than you ever have before — or more products for any clients you might be writing for.In other words, you become a money-generating savant.
But how in the world do you learn to "do it right"?
In my opinion, there's just one way:
  1. 1.
    Model the people who are already doing it successfully.
  2. 2.
    And hard-wire their methods into your brain so they become second-nature.
That way, every time you sit down to write an email, you know exactly what to say — and you're always saying the right thing.And the easiest way to do that is with HANDWRITING.Meaning, simply writing out proven winning emails by hand every day over a series of 4-8 weeks.I've been teaching copy through this handwriting exercise for more than a decade now — and my students have generated more than $800mm, so I'd say it works pretty well.The reason it works is simple: writing copy out by hand forces your brain to slow down and analyze every single word.Repeat it enough times — which sounds easy but is surprisingly difficult — and those words quickly become muscle memory.So when you sit down to write...Winning words just flow out like a second language.
I've put together a 7 week course to walk you through this.
  • I've collected 35 of the most common email formulas used by the most successful 7, 8, and 9 figure direct response companies
  • I've paired them with lessons about how/why they work
  • And I've curated them into daily bite-sized emails
All you need to do is put in the work — about 20-30 minutes per day — for the next 49 days.If you do, you'll "program" the language of hyper-successful email copy into your brain — and know how exactly to write the messages for a 6, 7, or 8 figure list for yourself or for clients.And if you don't? You don't pay a cent.

Email CopyHour
Learn how to write emails that power six, seven, and eight figure email lists — by handwriting proven email formulas from seven, eight, and nine figure businesses.

Email CopyHour is designed to do two things:First to program the "language" of seven, eight, and nine figure email into your brain as rapidly as possible.Second to leave you with a massive swipe file of proven email formulas you can return to any time you need them.Here's how we do that:

You'll receive a daily email with a piece of copy and a lesson about why that copy works.
This email will arrive the night before so you have time to read it and understand it before handwriting.
Set aside 20-30 minutes the next day to handwrite that email and "hard wire" the lessons & language of that copy.
I recommend doing this first thing in the morning after waking up — before you do anything else — to avoid missing any lessons or falling prey to life interruptions.
Repeat for 49 days.
And develop the skill of writing six, seven, and eight figure email copy.
When you're done, you should be able to sit down at your computer and pump out money-making emails without a second thought. You'll have trained your brain to "speak" in the language of email copy — and it'll feel entirely natural to you.You'll also have a collection of proven formulas you can go back to any time to generate emails for any situation.How you use all of it is up to you.Be a hero to your clients — and make up to $500+ per 300-500 word email you craft.Be a hero to your own business — generating a list of customers and prospects who hang on to your every word and buy what you sell them, every time you sell them.Either way, once you've completed Email CopyHour, you'll possess one of the most valuable skills on the planet.

What's inside
Here are the email formulas we cover
Every day for 49 days you'll receive an email with a quick lesson and a proven piece of email copy (following a proven formula) to handwrite. Those formulas include:
Launch Sequence Emails
The “Whatever Day Of The Week” Sales Email
The Flash Sale Email
The “Top Of Mind” Event Emails
Simple Story Emails
The “Did You Forget This?” Email
The “Things I Disagree With” Email
The Weekly Newsletter Email
The PubMed Email Generator
Curiosity & Secrets Emails
The “This Day In History” Email
The “Message From The Founder” Email
The Testimonial Email
The “Wanted Ad” Email
The Survey Email
The “Do Something Uncomfortable, Comfortably” Email
The Turning Point Email
The Webinar Signup Email
The Complain & Bond Email
The Small Mini Sales Letter Email
The Reactivation Email
The “I Call BS” Email
The Quiz Email
The “Niche Celebrity Actions” Email
The Segmented Affiliate Promo Email
The “Better Than” Email
The 9 Word Email
The Struggle Email
The Fake Illustrative Story Email
The Bad News Email
The Subreddit Email
The FAQ Email
The Welcome Email
Extended lessons
Plus more in-depth lessons
While the "meat" of Email CopyHour is in handwriting proven copy following winning email formulas, there are a few lessons where we need to dive a little deeper.

Extended Lesson
Launch Sequences
One of the most valuable tools you can have in your arsenal is the ability to write high-converting launch sequences. We'll spend extra time covering these.
  • How to write "mini launches" (3-5 days) without needing weeks to warm up your list
  • Use the "Small Mini Salesletter" strategy to sell entirely via email without a traditional sales letter
  • How the most successful companies in the world launch
Included with Email CopyHour

Extended Lesson
Subject Line Formulas
Your copy could be the best in the world but it doesn't matter if no one's opening your emails in the first place. The solution: irresistible subject lines.
  • Choose from a list of the best (curated) subject line formulas
  • Hard-wire the most irresistible formulas in your brain so you can always maximize open rates on your emails
  • Understand the psychology that causes us to need to open certain subject lines
Included with Email CopyHour

Extended Lesson
How Often & When To Email
I have a simple heuristic: just write emails 5 days a week. It's what the most successful businesses do, and it stops you from overcomplicating things. I'll show you exactly what this means and what it looks like in the real world.
  • Before-and-after with 5 day a week emails
  • How to write without needing complicated "serialized" sequences or ultra-long product launch formulas
  • The simple formulas for writing 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year without running out of ideas
Included with Email CopyHour

Become a top 1% email copywriter today
Complete course
One time payment
  • Daily lessons for 49 days
  • 35+ proven email formulas from 7, 8, 9 figure businesses
  • Extended lessons
  • 30 day guarantee
Enroll now

Turn yourself into the engine behind a six, seven, eight, or nine figure business.
Look at the top companies in the world and you'll find that email is almost always their primary source of profit.It's extremely rare for an online business not to be driven by email — and if it's not, it's almost a guarantee that a good email strategy would increase their revenue anywhere from 2x to 10x almost immediately.That means if you're a freelancer, top businesses are in need of fresh email content on a near-daily basis — a gig that gets you paid well for simple 300-500 word messages.And if you're a business owner, you can easily turn your business into the seven figure (and beyond) machine you've dreamed of by incorporating an effective email strategy.Email CopyHour has you covered in both scenarios.You'll learn how to turn yourself into the engine driving ultra-successful businesses — by learning how to write daily emails that prospects love and that convert.I've designed this course to be worth a minimum of six figures over your lifetime.That's because it's literally the foundation for one of the most profitable skills on the planet. When you're done, you'll have all the skills and knowledge you need to run a hugely profitable email list for any company.It'd make sense to pay $1,000 or more for that.I've definitely paid more for even less results.Which is why this training is a steal at $297.And if you don't think that's true? Ask for a refund within the first 30 days. You'll know and see a massive difference by then.This is the lowest price this course will ever be...So jump on it today, and I'll see you inside.

Frequently Asked Questions
Should I already be pretty good at writing copy before enrolling in this course?
Yes, you'll get the most out of this course if you're already comfortable with the basics of copy — especially if you've been through my flagship course, CopyHour.Think of this like an (extremely valuable) add-on to your existing copywriting skills.
Is this still relevant with AI being able to write copy?
Absolutely. In fact it's more relevant than ever.Right now, AI is awesome at writing the lowest-value copy — things like generic SEO articles. It's also incredible at being your "copywriting assistant" — generating ideas that you (the human) edit and turn into gold.But when it comes to producing "finished product" copy — AI's not even close yet.And the better you are at writing that, the more in-demand you are right now — because, thanks to bad AI, people (both businesses and consumers) understand the value of good copy now.
Can you tl;dr how the course works?
  1. 1.
    You'll receive an email every day for 49 days with a) a lesson about email copy, and b) a piece of real-world proven email copy that uses that lesson.
  2. 2.
    The next day you'll spend 20-30 minutes handwriting that piece of email copy to reinforce the lessons.
  3. 3.
    Repeat for 49 days.
It's simple, but not easy. Yet when you're done, you will have one of the most valuable skills on the planet embedded in your head.
What kind of results can I expect?
Obviously I can't make you any specific promises. I don't know you, your work ethic, or your ability to actually execute on what you learn.But this entire course is designed to hard-wire in your head the ability to write daily emails that will generate six, seven, or more figures in any business every year.You can extrapolate from there how valuable this skill is :-)
Do I have to handwrite the emails?
While a lot of the value of this course is in the daily email formulas I give you, I really really really recommend you go through with the daily handwriting exercises.Yes, it's got to be handwriting — not passive reading, not typing, not highlighting.That's because handwriting specifically activates regions of your brain that help reinforce every lesson and quickly "hard-wires" them. In this course it's only 20-30 minutes a day, so it's quick — but you will see profound results from doing it.
How does this compare to ...?
There are countless email copywriting courses available. So what makes Email CopyHour different?
  1. 1.
    It's focused on the "general" skill of email copywriting. There isn't a super-secret formula here. I'm just showing you what the most successful companies on the planet do — and how to rapidly hard-wire the same skill in your head.
  2. 2.
    It's focused on 5 days a week emails. You don't have to send emails 5 days a week but everything in this course is centered around having content to write 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year.
  3. 3.
    It's in my (Derek's) voice. I don't do "scammy", "hard-sell", "guru-style" marketing. Not my style. Read my copy here, get on my email list, and if you like what you read — that's what you'll learn in Email CopyHour.
To be honest though, don't limit yourself to just one email copywriting course. Buy as many as you can comfortably afford. That's how I treat courses — if I get one new valuable skill, it's worth it. Email CopyHour should hopefully be one of many tools in your arsenal.
What if I can't start the course immediately?
No problem - this course is entirely self-directed. What that means is that after you join, you simply opt in to receive the daily email lessons whenever is most convenient for you. So if you need to wait a few weeks before you begin, that's totally fine!
Do you offer refunds?
Yes — if for any reason you don't feel Email CopyHour has delivered on my promises, contact support@copyhour.com any time within the first 30 days to get a full refund.

Become a top 1% email copywriter today
Complete course
One time payment
  • Daily lessons for 49 days
  • 35+ proven email formulas from 7, 8, 9 figure businesses
  • Extended lessons
  • 30 day guarantee
Enroll now

About your instructor

Hey! I'm Derek and for more than a decade I've been training some of today's most successful copywriters — who have collectively generated more than $800mm via their copy, much of it through email.I've seen inside some of the world's most successful businesses and Email CopyHour is designed to show you exactly which emails work best — and help you "hard-wire" the rhythms and cadences of those emails into your brain so you can use them for clients or in your own businesses.I look forward to seeing you inside!— Derek Johanson

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